
Okay, I'm back with more content for my favorite people. I added some poems, and upgraded the navigation across poems. I also just added my fourth video and cleaned up the video page to be more scalable and look cleaner.


I just added a new section video section to the site, complete with my first uploaded how-to video. Go check it out...


Well, the site is officially live, with all the little fiddly bits connected to each other at last. Thanks in advance for your feedback and support. Please feel free to bang on the design in as many different browsers and platforms as you can, and send me the results via the comments link down below. Keep in mind, though, that poem pages don't display well in portrait orientation on some versions of mobile Safari, as Apple was silly and didn't get around to making "background-size: cover" work until iOS 5. Landscape mode, though, is luckily fine.

Anyhow... watch this space in the coming days. I'm starting to experiment with a pretty awesome piece of screencasting software called Open Broadcaster, and hope to start hosting some how-to videos on common and not-so-common computing tasks, as well as any awesome tips and tricks I might come across.

comments? feedback? email me here